WWDC19 iOS Related Session List
Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App
See SwiftUI in action! Watch as engineers from the SwiftUI team build a fully-functioning app from scratch. Understand the philosophy driving this new framework and learn about the benefits of declarative-style programming. Take a look under the hood to understand how SwiftUI operates and learn how SwiftUI and Xcode 11 work together to help you to build great apps, faster. -
SwiftUI Essentials
Take your first deep-dive into building an app with SwiftUI. Learn about Views and how they work. From basic controls to sophisticated containers like lists and navigation stacks, SwiftUI enables the creation of great user interfaces, faster and more easily. See how basic controls like Button are both simple yet versatile. Discover how to compose these pieces into larger, full-featured user interfaces that facilitate building great apps with SwiftUI. Build your SwiftUI skills as you learn the essentials of Apple’s new declarative framework. -
Data Flow Through SwiftUI
SwiftUI was built from the ground up to let you write beautiful and correct user interfaces free of inconsistencies. Learn how to connect your data as dependencies while keeping the UI fully predictable and error free. Familiarize yourself with SwiftUI’s powerful data flow tools and understand what the best tool is for each situation. -
Building Custom Views with SwiftUI
Learn how to build custom views and controls in SwiftUI with advanced composition, layout, graphics, and animation. See a demo of a high performance, animatable control and watch it made step by step in code. Gain a deeper understanding of the layout system of SwiftUI. -
Integrating SwiftUI
SwiftUI is designed to integrate with your existing code base on any of Apple’s platforms. Learn how to adopt SwiftUI on any Apple platform by adding SwiftUI views into your app’s hierarchy, leveraging your existing data model and more. -
SwiftUI On All Devices
Once you’ve learned the basics of SwiftUI, you’ve learned what you need to know to use SwiftUI anywhere. You can use the same SwiftUI skills for making an iOS app as you would for making an app on watchOS, tvOS or macOS. We'll cover the basics, and then dig into more detail about how SwiftUI can help you make changes to your app on every Apple device. Hear about design principles for each platform and learn about how much code you can share across platforms. See how to incorporate device-specific features and how to make changes in SwiftUI by following along with a starter project, available for download.
Apple SignIn
- Introducing Sign In with Apple
Sign In with Apple is the fast, easy way for people to sign in to apps using the Apple IDs they already have. Learn how easy it is to add a Sign In with Apple button to your app or website to acquire new customers and benefit from the built-in security, antifraud, and privacy that Sign In with Apple provides.
- What's New in Core Location
Location technologies are core to delivering context-based services within your app. Discover how the latest features in the Core Location Framework lay the groundwork for advanced ranging capabilities and delivers more options for you to clearly communicate your location needs to your users, and allow them to provide more granular access authorization to your app.
App Distribution
- App Distribution – From Ad-hoc to Enterprise
Whether you want to share your app with a few colleagues, deliver it to employees within an organization, or release it to the world, there's a distribution mechanism designed to fit your needs. Familiarize yourself with each app deployment model, learn how to choose the one that's best for you, and learn about essential testing and distribution tools.
Introducing Combine and Advances in Foundation
Combine is a unified declarative framework for processing values over time. Learn how it can simplify asynchronous code like networking, key value observing, notifications and callbacks. Hear about improvements to Foundation collections, performance, internationalization features and Swift integration. -
Combine in Practice
Expand your knowledge of Combine, Apple's new unified, declarative framework for processing values over time. Learn about how to correctly handle errors, schedule work and integrate Combine into your app today.
What's New in Xcode 11
Start the week with a tour of new features in Xcode 11, designed to help you get from idea to product faster than ever. Discover new ways to edit and organize your source code, new capabilities for designing and previewing user interfaces, and great improvements for debugging and testing. Get an overview for sessions covering developer tools this year. -
Getting Started with Instruments
The Instruments app in Xcode provides a rich set of tools and templates for profiling your app performance. Learn all about Instruments and gain strategies for identifying bottlenecks in your code. See just how to leverage the power of time profiling and points of interest tracking to make meaningful changes to your code that can dramatically improve app responsiveness. -
Testing in Xcode
Unit testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly. Learn about the built-in testing features in Xcode, using XCTest. Find out how to organize your tests and run them under different configurations using test plans, new in Xcode 11. Discover how to automate testing and efficiently work with the results. -
Mastering Xcode Previews
Xcode 11 displays previews of your user interface right in the editor, streamlining the edit-debug-run cycle into a seamless workflow. Learn how previews work, how to optimize the structure of your SwiftUI app for previews, and how to add preview support to your existing views and view controllers. -
What's New in App Store Connect
App Store Connect continues to improve its role in each step of your app's lifecycle with new features that make your app submission, management, and distribution experience better than ever. Learn about the latest enhancements and discover new ways to ensure each release of your app is better than the last. -
Developing a Great Profiling Experience
Learn how to add useful tracing to your reusable classes, subsystems, or frameworks. By making it easy to trace your code, you provide adopters with valuable insight and confidence. We'll show you best practices for tracing your Swift and Objective-C code, building custom instruments, and visualizing data in Instruments 11. Share your expertise in a tools experience so others can understand the contracts of your APIs and avoid anti-patterns that impact performance. -
What's New in Clang and LLVM
Keep up with the latest enhancements to C, Objective-C, and C++ made possible by advancements in the Clang compiler and LLVM. Find out about new static analyzer features and how to use them to improve your code. Learn how to take advantage of new optimizations for code size. -
Debugging in Xcode 11
Xcode 11 introduces new features for finding and fixing bugs fast. Discover how to simulate network conditions and thermal states, and how to override your app's runtime environment while debugging. See how the debugging features work with Xcode previews to identify issues before Build & Run. Learn how to work with the View Debugger to troubleshoot your SwiftUI views. -
Modeling in Custom Instruments
Custom instruments make it possible to profile your app your way, telling the story of what your app is doing at runtime. At the center of each custom instrument is a modeler. Find out how to build your own modelers that translate from signpost output to the data you want to show in your instrument. Learn how the Instruments rules engine works and how to optimize your instrument for maximum efficiency. This session builds on Creating Custom Instruments from WWDC 2018.
Dark Mode
- Implementing Dark Mode on iOS
Hear from the UIKit engineering team about the principles and concepts that anchor Dark Mode on iOS. Get introduced to the principles of enhancing your app with this new appearance using dynamic colors and images, and add an experience that people are sure to love.
Security & Privacy
Designing for Privacy
Privacy is a more important issue than ever for your users. Learn about new features and privacy engineering techniques that can help you earn customer trust, create more personal experiences, and improve user engagement. -
Cryptography and Your Apps
System frameworks encrypt both data at rest and data in transit in a transparent way for you. This functionality is available by simply setting an attribute. However you may want to do more to protect your users’ data. CryptoKit is a new Swift framework that makes it easier and safer than ever to perform cryptographic operations, whether you simply need to compute a hash or are implementing a more advanced authentication protocol.
Advances in App Background Execution
Background execution is a powerful tool your app can leverage to provide a great user experience. Learn about best practices to follow when running in the background, especially if you use VoIP or silent pushes, and an all-new scheduling API that enables long running processing and maintenance tasks. -
Improving Battery Life and Performance
Learn about new ways to find and fix performance issues during daily development, beta testing, and public release on the App Store. Learn how to catch performance issues during daily development by measuring CPU, memory, and more in your XCTests. Discover how to find issues in the field during beta testing and public release using MetricKit. See how the Xcode Organizer now displays the most important metrics from your app aggregated from each version on the App Store. -
Optimizing App Launch
Slow app launches are frustrating. Learn about the new app launch instrument and discover how to make your app launch fast. Gain insights into what happens during app launch and how to minimize, prioritize, and optimize work at this critical time. Hear tips and tricks from the engineers making iOS apps launch fast. -
Great Developer Habits
Successful app development requires mastering a lot of different things. Discover practices you can incorporate into your development workflow to enhance your productivity, and improve your app’s performance and stability. Learn how to improve the quality of code you write with Xcode. Gain a practical understanding of some valuable development techniques.
What's New in Swift
Swift is now the language of choice for a number of major frameworks across all of Apple's platforms, including SwiftUI, RealityKit and Create ML. Join us for a review of Swift 5.0 and an exploration of Swift 5.1, new in Xcode 11. Find out about the latest advancements in performance and safety. Discover new features in the language, and how they have enabled the development of these new frameworks. -
Adopting Swift Packages in Xcode
Swift packages are a great way to organize and share code, and are now supported while building apps for all Apple platforms in Xcode 11. Find out how to use community-developed packages in your project, how Swift packages are structured, and how package versioning and dependencies work.
Optimizing Storage in Your App
How you store data in your app affects not only disk footprint, but also the performance of your app and the battery life of the device. Learn techniques for optimizing data serialization, working with images, and syncing to disk. Find out how to take advantage of features in SQLite to improve performance and safety. -
Introducing SF Symbols
SF Symbols introduces a comprehensive library of vector-based symbols that you can incorporate into your app to simplify the layout of user interface elements through automatic alignment with surrounding text, and support for multiple weights and sizes. Learn how easy it is to adapt to different screen sizes and layouts, and improve the accessibility and localizability of your app. Get details on how to create new symbols for your specific needs that perfectly match the visual style of SF Symbols.
What’s New in MapKit and MapKit JS
MapKit and MapKit JS bring fully featured Apple Maps to your app and website. See how the latest features give you more control over the base map presentation, finer-grained search and result filtering of points of interest and address information, and integration with standard data formats for custom overlays and annotations. -
Adding to your App and Website
The Indoor Maps Program enables organizations with large public or private spaces to deliver user experiences that provide precise indoor location information and present stunning indoor maps. Discover the overall process in the indoor map enablement workflow then take deep dive into the technical details on how MapKit and MapKit JS use powerful APIs and geo-standards to rapidly integrate indoor maps into your app and website.
Modernizing Your UI for iOS 13
iOS 13 combines powerful new multitasking and productivity technologies with a refreshed look and feel for all applications. Familiarize yourself with new requirements to keep your app ready for upcoming versions of iOS. Discover improvements to search fields and a totally new way to present UI. Learn how to adopt new gestures around selection, access peek and pop on all hardware, and how to renew your app's look for iOS 13. -
Advances in Collection View Layout
Collection View Layouts make it easy to build rich interactive collections. Learn how to make dynamic and responsive layouts that range in complexity from basic lists to an advanced, multi-dimensional browsing experience.
Machine Learning
What's New in Machine Learning
Core ML 3 now enables support for advanced model types that were never before available in on-device machine learning. Learn how model personalization brings amazing personalization opportunities to your app. Gain a deeper understanding of strategies for linking models and improvements to Core ML tools used for conversion of existing models. -
Core ML 3 Framework
Core ML 3 now enables support for advanced model types that were never before available in on-device machine learning. Learn how model personalization brings amazing personalization opportunities to your app. Gain a deeper understanding of strategies for linking models and improvements to Core ML tools used for conversion of existing models.
What’s New in iOS and macOS Design
Discover how to update your app’s interface for Dark Mode to create beautiful and accessible apps. Learn how refinements to modal sheets and the new contextual menu UI can help improve usability and lead to more powerful and efficient workflows. And, gain key insights into how you can create a great Mac experience with your iPad app. -
What's New in iOS Design
Discover how to update your app's interface for Dark Mode to create beautiful and accessible apps. And learn how refinements to modal sheets and the new contextual menu UI can help improve usability and lead to more powerful and efficient workflows.